Friday, Feb 14th

The Scientific Library

The Scientific Library of Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar state University is one of the largest University libraries of the Komi Republic, informational, cultural, educational, methodical center for libraries of universities and colleges of the region.

Currently the total fund of the Library consists of 1.2 million copies, including 500,000 copies of educational and more than 370,000 copies of scientific publications, 3,000 electronic manuals, including publications of the University teachers.

The University library provides the opportunity for all students to use a variety of information resources, access to which is carried out through study passes and 3 reading rooms, equipped with personal computers for independent work.

Each student has an individual unlimited access to electronic library systems "Universitetskaya biblioteka online", "Consultant studenta", "Yurayt", which contain educational, methodical, scientific and other publications on the main subjects of various educational programs.

Students also have the opportunity to work with full-text information resources: collections of scientific publications “Springer”, database of scientific publications “Web of Science”, articles from periodicals "IVIS", "Grebennikon", publications of scientific electronic libraries "eLibrary", "CyberLeninka" etc.

Official web-site of SyktSU – click here.

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